Here is a list of some of the equipment we have to serve you. Do not hesitate contacting us for more information as chances are we have everything needed to help you with any electrotechnical needs.
Specialized equipment
- Doble SFRA M5400
- Transformer power factor Doble M4100 or Alpha-10
- Turn-to-turn ratio (TTR)
- Winding resistance
- Winding demagnetization
Protection relay and protection unit
- Three-phase sources
- Single phase sources
- Synchronization (MTS-4000)
- High voltage AC or DC up to 230 kV DC
- VLF cable testing
SF6 equipment
- SF6 quality
- SF6 pole emptying and fillling equipment
- Leak detection
- Infrared cameras (thermography)
- Megger 1, 5 or 10kV DC
- Contact resistance at 10A
- Autonomous mobile oil filtration unit (2500L/h)
- Mobile oil filtration unit (6500L/h)
- Mobile oil filtration unit (4000L/h)
- Bucket truck (45 feet range)
- Various trucks: SUVs, FWD, 6-wheels truck, etc...
- Various trailers: open, closed, transport (20000 pounds), etc...
- Backhoe
- Forklift